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Vacuum Sealers Can Change Lives

In the late 18th century, food preservation was dramatically improved with the refinement of vacuum sealer machines. Officially in 1894, the vacuum sealer was labeled was dubbed as a "food saver" because it allowed food to be preserved longer which decreased waster and saved resources. Later on in the early to mid 19th century big companies started using these machines for business use to package in bulk. This invention greatly changed various industries for the better because food could now be shipped further and was much more stable; effecting not only the suppliers and manufacturers but also the consumers. Find out more at Lets examine what this machine is in depth. A vacuum sealer takes air from the plastic container a product is in prior to being sent out. By taking out the oxygen and reducing atmospheric pressure oxidization is taken out of commission as well as evaporation, and even the growth of bacteria or fungi. Without the necessary components for those life forms or enough oxygen to oxidizes or dry food out, the stability and extension of these products is increased dramatically. With longer lasting food , resources are better conserved with less waste and better overall efficiency. A product is initially placed in the plastic in a container in a single vacuum machine and then heated to seal it, then a vent force feeds air into the container. Double vacuum sealer machines have the same process except the product is placed in the same manner in the container within the machine and the same process is then applied, but more effectively. Double vacuum sealers are used primarily for sealing certain types of fresh meat, candies, cheeses, and processed and dried meats or other volatile items. The next type of vacuum sealer is an automatic belt machine that takes each item on a belt system which moves it along to complete the entire process automatically. Big companies use this type of vacuum sealer because it needs less people to monitor and can effectively seal more products in a much faster manner and seamless fashion. The last machine used for vacuum sealing is known as a Thermoforming vacuum sealer. This is a little different because it takes each item along a belt and then a roller is rolled over with plastic before being melted together to seal each item connected along a stream. Thermoformed plastics are customizable as you can choose different sizes, colors, shapes, designs and much more; which gives different businesses the ability to marketing with even their seals and packages. Look at foodsaver reviews here. The universal plastic used for each type of machine is a plastic that is resistant to puncture and and not very oxygen permeable. Polyvinylidene chloride and ethylene vinyl alcohol are two ingredients used to achieve those important characteristics. Testing of this plastic is necessary and it must pass with being less than 100 cubic centi of air to pass through each meter within 24 hours.

Learn more at Overall, this invention was one that greatly improved our lives and quality of the food around us; allowing more variety in our diets and choices to pick from regardless of geographical location.

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